There are a number of burial packages available.
Additional Services
Additional fees for weekends, after hours and public holidays may apply and will be detailed by your funeral director.
Additional fees may apply if travel is outside our 50km radius
Transfer of the deceased from place of death into our care.
Meeting with you to gather death registration information, make arrangements for the burial and prepare necessary documentation.
Washing and dressing of the deceased, where appropriate.
A rimu foil casket.
Transportation to the cemetery at our convenience.
Completion of burial at our convenience.​
A certified copy of the death certificate.
If you would like to spend some time with your love one after we have taken them into our care then A Graveside Gathering would be a better option.
Graveside Gathering $4,999
+ Burial Fees
Transfer of the deceased from place of death into our care.
Meeting with you to gather death registration information, make arrangements for the gathering and graveside and prepare necessary documentation.
Washing and dressing of the deceased, where appropriate.
A rimu foil casket.
A service at the graveside
30 service sheets
Provision of a celebrant for the service
A funeral notice written and placed in the Timaru Herald (up to 30 lines)
Private 30 minute viewing time at our funeral home.
A certified copy of the death certificate.
Additional Services
Additional fees for other hygienic services – Full or partial embalming may often enhance the viewing experience, or be necessary for preservation. Both options are available if required and can be discussed with your funeral director.
Additional fees for weekends, after hours and public holidays may apply and will be detailed by your funeral director.
Additional fees may apply if travel is outside our 50km radius
If you would like audiovisual options and an all weather venue then A Friends and Family Burial Package would be a better option.

Friends & Family Burial $7499
+ Burial Fees
Transfer of the deceased from place of death into our care.
Meeting with you to gather death registration information, make arrangements for the Funeral service and Burial and prepare necessary documentation.
A funeral notice written and placed in the Timaru Herald (up to 30 lines)
Washing and dressing of the deceased, where appropriate.
A rimu foil casket.
A natural sheath of flowers up to the value of $100
Provision of a celebrant for the service
Venues to be discussed with your funeral director; options include local churches, community centers etc. Additional cost may apply.
50 service sheets.
Use of hearse for transportation to the service and burial
A certified copy of the death certificate.
Additional Services
Additional fees for other hygienic services – A full embalm may often enhance the viewing experience, or be necessary for preservation.
Create a professional Photo Presentation Tribute + $250.
Supply catering options
Additional fees for weekends, after hours and public holidays may apply and will be detailed by your funeral director.
Additional fees may apply if travel is outside our 50km radius

Pre-Planning and Pre-Pay options are available.